Electronic Brown Wrapper: Hustler via ILL

Steve Hooley! hooleyss at gsaix2.cc.GaSoU.EDU
Mon Jun 9 15:11:42 EDT 1997

        That terminal is in MY library - and I wish the guy using it would
go home (at least long enough to take a cold shower). 

>Jon Knight wrote;
>>Then again, I'd be very surprised if a single public library terminal was
>>serving out thousands of porn documents per day.  Certainly when I've used
>>Internet access terminals in public libraries over here I've not seen any
>>porn being accessed.  Maybe I just go to atypical libraries or
>>something... :-)
>John, I think you misunderstood me.  I meant "accessed hundreds, maybe
>thousands of times per day" to include *all* public library terminals,
>every public library, across the entire country, not one single
>  ***********************************************************
>          David Burt, Information Technology Librarian 
>          The Lake Oswego Public Library 
>          706 Fourth Street, Lake Oswego, OR 97034
>          URL:          http://www.ci.oswego.or.us/library/library.htm
>          Phone:     (503) 675-2537 
>          Fax:           (503) 635-4171 
>          E-mail:      dburt at ci.oswego.or.us
|   Stephen S. Hooley         |  Statesboro Ga
|  Romulan Tech Assistant     |  Home of the
|    Henderson Library        |  Statesboro 
|"It's Only a Job Description"|  Blues
| Georgia Southern University |www2.gasou.edu/facstaff/hooleyss
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