Electronic Brown Wrapper: Hustler via ILL [former student

Laura Quilter lauramd at uic.edu
Sun Jun 8 13:04:17 EDT 1997

On Sun, 8 Jun 1997, Burt, David wrote:

> clearly hard-core (and please, don't confuse hard and soft core
> materials) like

ho ho ho.  how many, many tax-payer dollars have been spent by authorities
in some confusion of just this very matter?  my goodness, it certainly is
wonderful that we have numerous venture capitalists willing to make these
distinctions for us, rather than putting us to the trouble of figuring it
out for ourselves.

Laura M. Quilter   /   lauramd at uic.edu
Electronic Services Librarian
University of Illinois at Chicago

"If I can't dance, I don't want to be 
in your revolution."  -- Emma Goldman

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