Electronic Brown Wrappers [anti-filtering activists harbingers of one size fits all]

scharles libernet at midtown.net
Sat Jun 7 15:44:28 EDT 1997

At 05:07 PM 6/5/97 -0700, they wrote:
>Jennifer Reiswig wrote:
>>I was opposed to the idea of filtering for a while, but after
>>I started looking at the global history files on our public
>>Internet PCs, I'm starting to change my mind....

[And then somebody else]:

>I was wondering when someone in a very specialized library was going to
>say that!
>Why in the world should a biomedical library feel obligated to use its
>scarce resources to  provide recreational information?
>The anti-filtering activists argue that one size of Internet access must
>fit every library.
>Who thinks that's fair?

Only the very lonely, is my guess.


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