Web Publisher 1.1 software

Margaret F. Riley mfriley at erols.com
Fri Jun 6 09:31:35 EDT 1997

At 04:30 PM 6/5/97 -0700, Karen Thomas wrote:
>I searched the archives for HTML editors/converters, but Web Publisher 1.1
>by Skisoft was not mentioned.  Has anyone used Web Publisher 1.1 to
convert Word Perfect, Word, and Excel files?   

Folks who are looking at editors might want to catch the latest issue
of Internet World (www.iworld.com) for a review of several
editors including HotMetal and MS Front Page.

Personally I go with HTML text editors, my favorite being
HTML Assistant Pro from Brooklyn North.


Margaret F. Riley, MSLIS                 
3411 University Blvd West, #303       The Riley Guide (employment)
Kensington, MD  20895-1734           www.jobtrak.com/jobguide
301-946-1917                                   mfriley at erols.com
301-946-8877 FAX                          mfriley at acess.digex.net 

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