Electronic Brown Wrapper: Hustler via ILL

Donald Barclay dbarclay at Bayou.UH.EDU
Fri Jun 6 08:59:21 EDT 1997

David Burt wrote:

     . . . .you would not only would not fill an ILL request for Hustler,
     you COULD NOT, because no library carries it. That's the point: it's
     out of bounds. Sorry, but that's the truth: some information is out
     of bounds to public libraries and their patrons, always has been. 

However, according to FirstSearch's WorldCat the following libraries do
carry <<Hustler>>.

 DLC   LIBRARY OF CONGRESS                                
 UIU   UNIV OF ILLINOIS                                   
 BGU   BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIV                           
 OSU   OHIO STATE UNIV, THE                               

Three of the above libraries are indentified as ILL suppliers, so a
public library could fill an ILL request for <<Hustler>>. 

To quote one of Mr. Burt's favorite expressions:"Wrong." 

Donald A. Barclay
Coordinator of Electronic Services    always the beautiful answer
University of Houston Libraries       who asks a more beautiful question
DBarclay at uh.edu                               --e.e. cummings

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