Anyone using FirstSearch IP authentication?

John Gresham jgresham at
Thu Jul 24 12:42:27 EDT 1997

>  OCLC FirstSearch seems to be supporting IP authentication in
> the nick of time, since we shut our Unix server down last week
> and as far as I know their webscript only runs on a unix server.
> Anyone tried it yet?

We're using OCLC's IP authentication and it works great.

PS (OCLC did have a beta version of an NT webscript, but we couldn't get
it to work -- which could very likely be our fault not the script's ;-)
-- and they don't really support it-- I don't know it they are working
on that or not)
*************************************** *
* John Gresham, MLS, PhD                *
* Head of Information Services          *
* John Paul II Library                  *
* Franciscan University of Steubenville * 
* Steubenville, Ohio 43952              *
* Phone (614) 284-5459                  *
* Fax   (614) 284-7239                  *
* Email jgresham at           *                     
* John Paul II Library Web Pages              *
* *
* Finding God in Cyberspace                   *
*    *

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