Request for advice about WAN problem

Werner Schultheiss ws at
Thu Jul 24 08:26:50 EDT 1997

Hi, you wrote:
> ...
> Can anyone tell me what this means? So far as I know, the only computers
> on our ISDN line are my four in the library, plus two Macs in our
> administrative offices. I don't notice any difference in speed relative
> to the number of computers that are actually in use.
> I've tried to contact the campus tech person who set up this
> arrangement, but he did not answer and now is now longer working for our
> university.  If anyone else has experienced a similar problem or can
> offer any advice, I'd be very grateful

* Which of the 4 + 2 computers is the gateway ?
  (That one having the ISDN card inside)
* What operating system is on the gatewaying machine ?
* Do you have a libraray router (CISCO, Unix-Box) ?
* Is your IP address inside the problem cluster ?
* Is there a Unix/Linux/NT machine in your library ?
  - If Yes: type "traceroute" and send me
            the output
    o I "tracerouted" your mail IP address which 
      responds as "" with correct performance, so we
      should not deal with a lower protocol problem.
* If you don't know anything about gateways / firewalls etc:
  - think about buying a small Linux box (2 k-$, 16 MB RAM)
    as gateway and giving the Linuxero installing it
    a good salary
* Might it be possible that all of your 6 machines are
  logically connected to the same subnet over ISDN (each 
  of them with an ISDN card ?
* Which ISDN card(s) do you use ?

Hope to be able to help you with some more tech-info,
Werner Schultheiss
Werner Schultheiss          fon+fax  +49  30  611 27 954
Taborstrasse 22             mailto:ws at
D-10997 Berlin    

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