children accessing porn; adults turning off filterware

Albert Lunde Albert-Lunde at
Tue Jul 8 18:44:30 EDT 1997

At 4:36 PM -0500 7/8/97, Mark Stover wrote:
>My final comment is this:  a compelling argument has been made by many on
>this list that we shouldn't filter out anything at all, because who can draw
>the line?  Phrased another way, one could say that once we start filtering
>out porn, we will continue down the slippery slope until we end up filtering
>out (censoring) some forms of political or religious speech.

I was trying, in a recent post, to make a somewhat different argument,
which sounds a bit like that.

I'm saying, that if we choose to filter, we will have to accept _someone's_
definition of where to draw the line, _and_ this is a point on which there
is not a social consensus, so that there will be people dissatisfied with
the outcome no matter what you do.

I also think the questions of "where to draw the line" are more
controversial and difficult than trying to establish that there is
_something_ that many or most people would like to block "children" from

    Albert Lunde                      Albert-Lunde at

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