Titles; was, Re: text-based Internet?

Miriam Bobkoff mbobkoff at ci.santa-fe.nm.us
Thu Jan 23 10:24:36 EST 1997

At 05:36 PM 1/21/97 -0800, Rob Pettengill wrote:

>Also scary that someone with the title "Internet Administrator" doesn't
know >stuff like this.  

I can't speak for the situation of the original poster, but I can tell you
about my situation. I have the title "Reference Librarian and Library
Automation Systems Manager", which translates to something like: this
full-time reference librarian is pretty good at teaching herself stuff, and
knows more than anybody else on the staff about technological matters (not
even remotely enough, just more); so, since there's no hope of getting a
systems position funded, she's it.

We do the best we can: public libraries do, and their
nearest-thing-to-a-techie people do. I learn things in odd orders, and as
necessary or possible, and on my own time. There's a lot of "stuff like
this" I haven't got a handle on. Having to be reluctant to ask questions of
the technogods on Web4Lib won't make it easier.

Miriam Bobkoff             mbobkoff at ci.santa-fe.nm.us
Santa Fe Public Library
145 Washington Avenue           personal: mbobkoff at rt66.com
Santa Fe, NM 87501              http://www.rt66.com/~mbobkoff/

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