The Power of of On-Line Community Networks

Liz Rifken lrifken at nslsilus.ORG
Fri Feb 14 17:24:07 EST 1997

Please excuse duplicates.  This message is being cross-posted to several
different listservs.

The North Suburban Library System in Illinois and the Northwestern
University Ameritech Collaboratory Project will be presenting "The Power
of On-Line Community Networks", a conference for libraries and other
community organizations interested in participating in an on-line
community network.  The conference will take place on Monday, March 24,
1997 at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.

This conference will provide the opportunity to talk to people from
various parts of the country who are working on community networks. 
Both library and community organization representatives that want to
participate in a network are welcome.  This conference is for people who
know how to use the Interent and the World Wide Web.

Participants will learn:

* the role of the library in community information networking
* how successful community information models work
* how to organize a community to take ownership of a network
* very practical information on:  policy and administration; technical
equipment and expertise needed; community outreach; training; and
legal issues

Further information is available at the conference Web site:

Date:           Monday, March 24, 1997

Time:           9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Where:          Northwestern University, Allen Center
                Evanston, Illinois

Cost:           $50.00 (includes lunch and materials)

Registration:   To receive a registration form, contact
                Ruth Downey
                North Suburban Library System
                200 W. Dundee Road
                Wheeling, IL 60090
                Phone:  847/459-1300 ext. 128
                E-mail: rdowney at

Deadline:       March 14, 1997

Questions to:   Judith Ream,    NSLS, 847/459-1300 ext. 136,
jream at
                Miriam Pollack, NSLS, 847/459-1300 ext. 146,
mpollack at
Liz Rifken, Technology Projects Coordinator
North Suburban Library System
200 W. Dundee Rd., Wheeling, IL 60090
847-459-1300, ext. 133  847-459-0380 - fax

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