Hyperstudio web pages

nancy keane nancy.keane at rundlett.concord.k12.nh.us
Wed Feb 12 08:19:09 EST 1997

I have a group of students who have created hyperstudio stacks for a
project.  We would like to mount these on the school web page.  Can someone
point me to information about how to do this?  


Nancy J. Keane			voice:  603-225-0862
Rundlett Jr. High School	fax:    603-226-3288
144 South Street		email: nancy.keane at rundlett.concord.k12.nh.us
Concord, New Hampshire 03301	http://www.concord.k12.nh.us/schools/rundlett/
"Do the best you can and maintain a sense of humor."

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