Electronic Training position

Charles R. Anderson anderson at kcls.org
Fri Dec 5 12:48:35 EST 1997

Funny you should ask.  We've just reclassified a position to create one 
that will be half time involved in ongoing training librarians in our 
branches in electronic reference sources (Web, etc) and half time at our 
System Reference location providing backup telephone reference support, 
particularly in the area of web resources.  The title is "Electronic 
Resources Librarian" and it's a Librarian II level. The person, at least 
for the first year, will report directly to me (my title is Associate 
Director, Regional Libraries and Reference Services).  We're currently 
recruiting for the position (see our Web page).

Charles Anderson
King County Library System
From: 	Colleen R. Verge[SMTP:cverge at tln.lib.mi.us]
Sent: 	Friday, December 05, 1997 7:16 AM
To: 	Multiple recipients of list
Subject: 	Electronic Training position

Currently I work 1/2 time as coordinator for training at a public
library, 1/4 of my time is spent working as a librarian on the reference
desk, the other 1/4 of my time I spend coordinating electronic resources
and acting as a liaison between public services and the tech department.
Our library has a main library and 3 branch libraries. My job
responsibilities impact the whole system while my reference work is just
for the reference department. My question is does any one else hold a
similar position and if so who do they report to, the head of public
services, the head of the tech department, the library director or the
head of reference? Also if you have such a position what is your title?

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