The Library Channel

Glen Davies GLEN at
Thu Aug 21 16:28:45 EDT 1997


Do they have a website, I couldn't find any mention of The Library 
Channel software on any of the search engines I tried.

> I just finished a meeting in which a man from THe Library Channel demo'ed the
> THe Library CHannel software which is a very sharp product for Internet site
> selection.  WHile it is not Exactly a filtering software, it does provide a 
> way for librarians to create a web selection based on categories to help
> patrons wade through the quagmire of Internetdom.
> Anyone using Library Channel?  I'd love to hear what you think.  I am a
> anti-censorship supporter, and this that this product is great.
> Deirdre
Glen Davies
Information Technology Librarian
Christchurch College of Education
New Zealand
glen at
64-3-343 7737
"I've been drunk for about a week now, and I though it might
 sober me up to sit in a library" F.Scott Fitzgerald
                                  The Great Gatsby, ch3

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