Argus Clearinghouse upgrade (fwd)

Joe Barker jbarker at
Wed Apr 30 10:53:18 EDT 1997

My impression is that the new Argus is easier to use and the lighter 
colors improve its ambiance.  However, I believe it is significantly 
SLOWER -- not a good thing.
Joe Barker, Teaching Library UC Berkeley

On Mon, 28 Apr 1997, Roy Tennant wrote:

> Posted by request of Louis Rosenfeld <lou at>.
> Roy
> ---------------------------------------------------
> We are proud to announce that an upgraded version of the Argus
> Clearinghouse is now available at: 
> The upgrade includes an extensive new subject classification scheme,
> improved navigation, and a fresh look-and-feel.  Please do take a look and
> let us know what you think.  
> WHAT IS THE ARGUS CLEARINGHOUSE?  Established by librarians in 1993 as The
> Clearinghouse for Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides, the Argus
> Clearinghouse is a virtual library of over a thousand topical guides for
> researchers and others with high-end information needs.  The Argus
> Clearinghouse is maintained as a free service by staff at Argus
> Associates, an information architecture consulting firm with roots in
> librarianship and information science. 
> WHERE DO THE GUIDES COME FROM?  Guides are created, submitted, and
> maintained by specialists from around the Internet.  Argus staff selects
> approximately 10% of all submissions, and rates them according to five
> criteria before including them in the Argus Clearinghouse.  All are
> encouraged to submit their guides for inclusion. 
> Louis Rosenfeld                                             lou at
> Argus Associates, Inc.                         
> 109 Catherine Street                                   voice: +1.313.913.0010
> Ann Arbor, MI  48104  USA                                fax: +1.313.213.8082
> "Web Architect" twice/month in Web Review magazine:

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