"Style sheet" for public pages

Karl Fattig kfattig at polar.Bowdoin.EDU
Wed Apr 30 10:07:37 EDT 1997

At Bowdoin we have been working on a draft of our style sheet for WWW pages
and would like comments, or simply to offer them up for your use. This is a
draft - under discussion by college librarians.

Draft Style Sheet For Department and Individual Documents on the Library Web
at Bowdoin College Library


(It is linked to a web page for a presentation that Judy Montgomery and I
just gave at a workshop sponsored by the Nelinet Reference Technology
Advisory Committee). The home page for that presentation is:




Karl Fattig, Catalog Librarian / Webmaster  |  Bowdoin College Library
kfattig at polar.bowdoin.edu                   |  3000 College Station
http://www.bowdoin.edu/~kfattig/            |  Brunswick, ME 04011-8421
 __ Cheap   __ Fast   __ Good   [Pick two]  |  207.725.3027 (v)

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