Status Message #3 on Filter Evaluation Project

Karen G. Schneider kgs at
Tue Apr 15 21:13:57 EDT 1997

I've tentatively identified six filters for the evaluation project.  Again,
the purpose of this project is not to "help the vendors" but to take a look
at these tools from our librarians' perspectives--with a particular focus
on performance differences between tools with and without editable site and
keyword lists.

Tools with Editable/Viewable Lists:
Net Nanny; CyberSnoop

Tools without Editable/Viewable Lists:
Cybersitter; Safe Surf (Library Safe)

Tools Marketed Without Editable/Viewable Lists, but can be licensed without
the lists:

Also, if anyone is using a proxy server such as Squid or the Netscape
product--and their web ads peddle the filtering capability--I'd like to
hear from you.

The software listed above have a variety of platform requirements.  I'll
identify those next.

This will be interesting!

Will keep you posted--

Karen G. Schneider * kgs at * schneider.karen at
Author, The Internet Access Cookbook (e-mail Neal-Schuman at
Director, US EPA Region 2 Library Contractor, Garcia Consulting
Cybrarian * Columnist, American Libraries
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These opinions strictly mine!

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