Lawyer nixes filters

Christopher Jackson cjackson at
Sat Apr 12 10:48:31 EDT 1997


On Fri, 11 Apr 1997, Nick Arnett wrote:

> IMO, Libraries should resist the temptation to be common carriers or
> filterers of information.  They should be organizers of information.
> Organizing is the half-full view of the cup that is half-empty to the
> filterer.  hatever hasn't been cataloged shouldn't be included in the
> library, physically or virtually, no matter how easy it might be to provide
> that access.  Knowledge is sold by weight, not volume.

Do you work in a library?  Do you use the Web and Usenet as reference
tools to answer library patrons' questions?

I'm curious because as a reference librarian, I find limiting access to
just what I've selected to be totally inadequate.  We will simply
deny access to information they need, often leaving their cup ENTIRELY

I've made the following point before, but I'll repeat it because it's
crucial:  Our providing access to ALL Internet documents does not make us
"common carriers" because we provide trained professionals to help users
find and evaluate the documents they seek.  We have the remarkable ability
to select "on the fly."  This is absolutely crucial since it's impossible
to predict and prepare for all the information needs of our public. 

Should we organize?  Absolutely.  Libraries should certainly aid the
patron by pointing to the 'Net's most useful sites.  The best service is
to organize AND provide unlimited access. 

 > Turning on unlimited Internet access is like buying books by the pound.

In my opinion, limiting access to what you've pre-selected is like
pressing your thumb on the scale--it sells the customer short.

    Christopher Jackson                      cjackson at	
    Reference Librarian                      voice: (812) 876-1272
    Monroe County Public Library             fax: (812) 876-2515
    Ellettsville, IN  47429        

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