Query - State-wide Projects Like Galileo

Mark McFarland m.mcfarland at mail.utexas.edu
Thu Apr 10 14:21:34 EDT 1997


You may be interested in looking at:

www.texshare.edu - this is a site for 53 publically funded institutions in
Texas - it contains centrally maintained collections of links, a Z39.50
test for participating texshare schools, and access to shared commercial

db.lib.utsystem.edu - this is a site for 17 publically funded schools
(academic libraries) in Texas...a subset of TexShare, but a discreet entity
(UT System)...there is a collection of links and access to more commercial

We manage both of these sites among others...

Mark McFarland
General Libraries,  UT Austin

>We are interested in information from those of you who may have, or are
>planning to set up a project similar to GALILEO, essentially a state-wide
>WWW access site with commercial databases (GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online)
>[located at http://www.galileo.peachnet.edu].  The sites that we want to
>check out include those that:
>1.  Have a central access point for library patrons across the state or at
>    least a large group of patrons whose use of commercial databases is
>    offered.
>2.  The commercial databases offered to the library patrons would include
>    full-text.  Some non-commercial databases are likely to be made
>    available as well.  Z39.50 to WWW gateways are likely to be a part of the
>    project design.
>3.  Other features of such projects may include organized web pages of links
>    to information on the web (e.g., subject heading approach).
>I've checked the WEB4LIB archives and not had much luck finding out what we
>want to know.  Any of you out there know of any projects like Galileo?
>Thanks in advance for your assistance!
>  *  Susan R. Fipps                       Library Systems Specialist    *
>  *  PALNI Project                        Private Academic Library      *
>  *                                            Network of Indiana       *
>  *  INCOLSA                              6202 Morenci Trail            *
>  *  Voice/TTD (317)298-6570              Indianapolis, IN  46268-2536  *
>  *    or 800-733-1899 (in-state only)    WWW: http://www.palni.edu     *
>  *  Fax 317-328-2382                     Email: susan at oak.palni.edu    *

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