Heaven's Gate (author unknown)

Richard J. Violette rviolett at socialaw.com
Fri Apr 4 04:26:23 EST 1997

Dear Web4Libs,

Burt, David wrote:
> The 39 men and women found dead after an apparent mass suicide were
> evidently web developers who were despondent about the delayed release
> of Microsoft Corporation's Internet Explorer 4.0 web browser.

Whether this is an April Fool's Joke or another example of how low
Microsoft is willing to stoop to market its products, its taste is, to
say the least, questionable.

Sorry if I sound like a killjoy, but I have had a taste of the emotional
devastation wrought by suicide, and by cults, in my own family, and I
can assure you they are no joke.

/s/ Rich.V.

Richard J. Violette    | 1200 Court House           | "He chose to be
Catalog Librarian I    | Boston MA 02108            | rich, by making
Social Law Library     | Vox: (617) 523-0018, x318  | his wants few."
rviolett at socialaw.com  | Fax: (617) 523-2458        |       --Emerson

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