WebSchool (fwd) was Re: Library School Curriculum ideas (fwd)

Laura A Schmitt las at laser.net
Thu Apr 3 23:56:03 EST 1997

Hi all!

This came to me through other channels, but given the level of 
response to my original query about library school curriculum ideas, I 
thought folks on this group might be interested.

Thanks again for your responses...and feel free to keep them coming.  
I'm finishing a midterm this weekend, then will post a summary of what 
I'm learning.

Laura Schmitt
las at laser.net
-----------------------------------forwarded message---------------------
2. SCHOOLS OFFER WEBMASTER DEGREES Universities are heeding the call from
companies for more qualified techies capable of designing and managing a
corporate Web site, and are now beginning to formalize such training with
degree programs geared toward producing "Webmasters." Rather than
stressing computer science skills, the programs tend to lean toward either
library science (with a special emphasis on technology) or graphic media
design. Included in the degree programs are courses in such disciplines as
organizational psychology, library science, graphic design and business.
For example, Indiana University offers a master's degree in information
science, building on the library science program for which it has long
been known, and John Brown University is about to offer a bachelor of
science degree in digital media.  Other programs can be found outside the
US in Australia and Canada.  (Chronicle of Higher Education 3-14-97,

Gabriel Goldberg, Computers and Publishing, Inc. (703) 556-9121/0906 (FAX)
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