Need advice on internet connectivity

Melody Fetske Fetske at
Thu Apr 3 18:18:00 EST 1997

Our current ISP is PSI and over the last 4 weeks the connectivity has been 
very unstable.  We use the internet for RLIN (up to 10 people cataloging on 
line all day long) and when that goes down so does productivity.  We are 
troubleshooting internally, but the apparent root cause is the PSI network. 
No indications that RLIN is problem.  May be  MAE EAST.  Appears to be 
routers and bandwidth on PSI but can not pinpoint exact reason why beginning 
of week is good but by Friday we can not connect at all.

Has anyone else on the east coast in Web4Lib experienced connectivity 
problems in last 4 weeks?

Anyone connected to RLIN from the DC area experience similar problems?

Any advice from technical wizes out there?  We are agressively seeking 
dependable, reliable connectivity.  Thanks.

Melody Fetske, Controller
Folger Library
fetske at

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