Specs for an ideal public library web browser

Joe Schallan jschall at glenpub.lib.az.us
Thu Sep 19 17:48:24 EDT 1996

At 3:22 PM on 9/18/96, Alejandro Garza wrote:

>What we have just come to use as a fornt-end to our library services, and 
>as a gateway to navigating the WWW, is a combination of several pieces of 
>software running in our library workstations. These include . . .

Many thanks to Alejandro for discussing the innovative tweaking
(and perhaps more than tweaking) he's done to make his public
interfaces behave in desired ways.  But I think he has unintentionally
demonstrated the need for something simpler.

The thousands of small to medium-sized public libraries about
to be connected do not have access to the technical expertise,
nor are likely to have access to it, that his solutions require.

A simple-to-install-and-configure, public-library-oriented browser
still seems a desirable product to me.


Joe Schallan, MLS                             jschall at glenpub.lib.az.us
Reference Librarian and Webmaster
Glendale (Arizona) Public Library

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