picking a graphics program

ELIZABETH BLAKELY/REFERENCE blakely1 at jeflin.tju.edu
Tue Sep 17 10:17:32 EDT 1996

>From a fellow lurker.  I use three programs to create my graphics.

The programs I use most are Adobe photoshop (versions exist for both Mac 
and PCs).  and Transparency.  The latter is a mac program but PC, Unix 
and web-based equivalents exist.  One program that I use to a lesser 
extent is MacDraw, for mocking-up simple graphics.

 Elizabeth Linck Blakely, MILS			|  blakely1 at jeflin.tju.edu
 Information Services Librarian			|  215/503-7676
 Academic Information Services & Research	|  1020 Walnut Street
 Thomas Jefferson University			|  Philadelphia, PA 19107


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