Web tool vs. straight HTML

Harry M. Kriz Harry_M_Kriz at vt.edu
Wed Sep 18 12:47:49 EDT 1996

In regard to the question of whether to use an HTML WYSIWYG editor, or even
a Web site manager like Front Page, in preference to editing an HTML file
with a text editor:

When I learned word processing on an IBM mainframe about 13 years ago I had
to use IBM's Generalized Markup Language (GML) and insert descriptive tags
and even dot commands into my text files so they could be fed through the
SCRIPT text formatter for printing.

I recall that when WYSIWYG word processors began appearing on campus some of
our GML markup experts ridiculed them as not providing enough control, not
having a complete feature set, etc., etc.

The debate about HTML is following the same pattern. But soon no one will be
editing HTML code After all, how many of us write a letter or report by
inserting control codes and formatting commands into a Word document.

Harry_M_Kriz at vt.edu   540-231-7052   FAX:  540-231-3694
University Libraries
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (Virginia Tech)
Blacksburg, VA   24061-0434     USA
"What joy to awake every morning in a world so filled with  things to learn."
                                                         - H. M. Kriz (1994)

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