Question on Web Image Map
Bob Long
bob at
Fri Oct 11 23:33:09 EDT 1996
It sounds like the problem is with your frame and anchor tags, not the image
map. Make sure your link (anchor tag) points to whatever name you gave to
the main frame. Your frame tags should look something like:
<frameset cols=100,*>
<frame src="left_column.html">
<frame src="right_column.html" name="main">
Then you would include the 'target="main"' attribute in your anchor tag...
<a href="newpage.html" target="main">New Page</a> or, in the case of
your image map, just the href="newpage.html" target="main" in the map tag.
You are using client side mapping, right?
The best advice would be to take a hard look at your page and try to
find another way to design it without using frames.
Frames only work well in very few situations. Home pages are not one
of them. Try it, I'll bet you come up with something better.
Bob Long
Eastern Shore Regional Library, Inc.
>Dear Colleagues,
>We are remodelling our home page and use frame and image map. One
>problem we encounter is when we click image displayed in a frame, it
>does not load the linked document in the full body of the window as we
>expected, instead just in the current frame. In another word, the system
>does not recognize the target in the area tag. I read the Netscape
>documentation for the frame and it seems that I can define the target in
>the syntax like <area shape="shape" coords="x,y,..." href="url"
>target="_top">. Is this due to the NCSA server we are running? If we run
>Netscape server, does this will help us to solve this problem?
>Thank you very much in advance for giving us your comments and help.
>Wendy G. Wu Phone : (313) 577 0586
>Shiffman Medical Library Fax : (313) 577-0706
>Wayne State University E-mail : wwu at
>4325 Brush St.
>Detroit, MI 48201
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