User Interfaces CE Workshop at NYLA conference

Diane Berry BERRY at
Tue Oct 1 17:50:24 EDT 1996

            "Designing and Evaluating User Interfaces,or
                Why Does the Screen Look Like That?"

There is still time to register for this continuing education workshop,
presented by the New York Library Association, to be held on Wednesday,
October 23, 1996, 9 am - 1 pm at Saratoga Springs, New York.

The speaker will be Catherine Plaisant, from the Human Computer
Interaction Lab at the University of Maryland.  Catherine has worked
with the Library of Congress and is really excited about talking to
NYLA members about some of the design issues that we should all be
aware of, whether we are designing interfaces or web pages, or
evaluating products for our patrons to use.

Please take a moment to check out her web site:

Contact NYLA soon to get your spot!  In New York, 1-800-252-6952,
out of state 518-432-6952.

Diane Berry
berry at 

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