animated gifs - impact on httpd access.log
Bill Crosbie
Wed Nov 13 09:53:38 EST 1996
At 03:53 PM 11/12/96 -0800, you wrote:
>Web server administration question to those who allow,
>or intentionally include (you should all be striken
>by lightening...but that's another issue),
>animated gifs on their server(s).
>When these push/pull animations skew your
>web server access log beyong all meaningful
>recoginition, do you:
>a). Pre-process OUT the extraneuous hits the aninmated
> gifs in question create? A single gifs caused over
> 15,000 hits on our server in one month.
>b). Disallow inclusion of said band-width wasting, content
> free, distractions from your server(s).
>c). Just leave the hits in there?
I think you are confusing an animated gif with a server push animation.
An animated gif89a is a single file with multiple images which is
interpreted locally by the browser. It is a single file in your server logs.
With a server push animation it is, believe it or not, still a single hit to
the server. The beauty (and curse) of server push is that the connection is
maintained for the duration of the transmission. The MIME type is
multipart/mixed (I believe...) and that means that the browser must maintain
a connection to the server, instead of dropping the connection. Etiher way
there is a single connection in both instances. The gif89a causes less
strain on the server. I refuse to comment on what I believe they do to the
end user.
Always dream and shoot higher | Bill Crosbie
than you know you can do. | Microcomputer Analyst
Don't bother just to be better than | Chang Science Library
your contemporaries or predecessors. | Rutgers University
Try to be better than yourself. | New Brunswick, NJ USA
| crosbie at
~~William Faulkner~~ | 908-932-0305 x114
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