animated gifs - impact on httpd access.log

Rod Miller rmiller at
Tue Nov 12 16:37:40 EST 1996

Web server administration question to those who allow,
or intentionally include (you should all be striken
by lightening...but that's another issue), 
animated gifs on their server(s).

When these push/pull animations skew your
web server access log beyong all meaningful
recoginition, do you:

a). Pre-process OUT the extraneuous hits the aninmated
    gifs in question create?  A single gifs caused over
    15,000 hits on our server in one month. 

b). Disallow inclusion of said band-width wasting, content
    free, distractions from your server(s).

c). Just leave the hits in there?  

Any other ideas?  I have already banished the offending
gif(s) from our site, and told the user if they want 
goofy little dancing icons, lacking any meaningful
navigational/content/interface value,  to learn to program in 
Java if they want animation on their homepage...and quit 
wasting CPU and bandwidth on our server (politely , of course).

Any views, or flames, on this attitude?


Rod Miller, Systems Librarian
Wyoming State Library
Cheyenne, Wyoming
rmiller at

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