Client side image maps and Mosaic

Peter Konshak pkonshak at
Wed May 22 14:20:51 EDT 1996

Hi all,

I'm having some trouble getting my client side (I think that's the right
term) image maps to work with NCSA Mosaic 2.0.  They work great with
Netscape Navigator 2.0+ and Microsoft's Internet Explorer 2.0.  I suspect
that Mosaic does not support client side image maps.  Can anyone confirm this?

If Mosaic doesn't support client side image mapping, what does it support?

Trying to create a web site that can be accessed by Netscape, Internet
Explorer, Mosaic, AOL, Prodigy, CompuServe, and even Lynx (gasp!) is such
fun.  :)

Thanks in advance,


Peter Konshak                                   pkonshak at
Computer Technology Coordinator                 Carmel Clay Public Library
Peter Konshak                                   pkonshak at
Computer Technology Coordinator                 Carmel Clay Public Library

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