what is relationship with State Library?

Rod Miller rmiller at wyld.carl.org
Tue Mar 12 08:09:03 EST 1996

On Mon, 11 Mar 1996, Larry Whitaker wrote:


I work for the State Library here in Wyoming.  We are currently
implmenting a state-wide library automation system / TCP/IP network.
That may be "special?" I don't know.  The only library not participating
directly in this effort *is* the University of Wyoming, who previously
automated on the CARL System (we're working with DRA of St. Loius).


> Hi,
> Am chasing down the various state libraries.  In California, right here in
> my own home state, there seems to be some sort of special relationship
> between the libraries at UC Berkeley and the State Library in Sacramento?
> Can you explain it?
> Larry Whitaker, President, Del Mar Data
> 215 La Barranca DR, Solana Beach, CA 92075
> voice (619) 259 7911 fax (619) 259 1053 
> lwa at ix.netcom.com  CIS 71754,2164
> web page at: http://www.wp.com/delmardata
> web pate at: http://ekan-gmk.com/lw/ball.htm

Rod Miller, Wyoming State Library
Cheyenne, Wyoming
rmiller at wyld.carl.org
(307) 777-6258

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