OCLC PURL vs. server redirect?

Peter C. Gorman pcgorman at facstaff.wisc.edu
Tue Jun 4 13:41:40 EDT 1996

Hello -

Since OCLC's PURL software uses standard HTTP redirects, something just
about any web server can do, I was wondering what specific value there
might be in maintaining a separate PURL server. One advantage that comes to
mind is the potential to put a nice interface on the redirection function
(as opposed to editing the server's config files directly). I suppose that
there could also be an issue of the number of redirect statements a
particular HTTP server could handle in its config file.

Can anyone comment on the performance of the PURL software vs., say, the
NCSA server?


Peter C. Gorman
Automation Help Desk
Memorial Library
University of Wisconsin
pcgorman at facstaff.wisc.edu

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