Mosaic kiosk mode? Alternatives?

Marc Salomon marc at
Wed Jul 24 19:14:36 EDT 1996

John Kupersmith <jkup at>
|Found a few references in the archive about Mosaic's kiosk mode,
|but nothing recent.  Would appreciate any info about your
|experiences with this, or any other options.

I've been talking to the developers of Mosaic for the X window system on what
we need from a browser in kiosk mode.  Issues such as tossing cookies and
authentication information after a time interval and limiting access to
non-http network services such as e-mail and printing.

We're looking at using NT machines as X servers for xmosaic that we'd run on a
unix box so that we can have complete control over the environment, but this is
a somewhat complex value-added process and not for the faint-of-heart.



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