What to charge?!

Tim Mallory tmallory at timberland.lib.wa.us
Thu Jan 4 12:00:10 EST 1996

    I've done similar workshops a number of times both for non-profits 
and for libraries.  I have charged $400.00 plus expenses for a full day, 
$200 for half-day, and always making exceptions for circumstances such as 
"no budget and we really need it" as seemed appropriate.  It comes down 
to basically $50/hr. Remember your expenses - I usually absorb the cost 
of handouts, unless they are substantial.  I count off my "prep" time as 
a learning experience - so I end up making far less than what it seems.
Tim Mallory, Reference Librarian
Aberdeen Timberland Library     Voice:   360-533-2360   
121 E. Market St.                 FAX:   360-532-2953
Aberdeen, WA  98520-5292       e-mail:   tmallory at timberland.lib.wa.us
On Wed, 3 Jan 1996, Beth Anderson, Fermilab Systems Librarian wrote:
> I've been asked to do six 1-hour training classes on "Intro to the Web"
> by a local non-profit organization.  These classes would be more or less open
> to the public, non hands-on, for about 40-50 people.  Yikes!  The organization
> will be charging the attendees $10-$12 per class.
> My question, however, is what should I charge?  My credentials are pretty good; 
> Beth F. Anderson			       
> beth at fnlib.fnal.gov

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