search engine comparison

Karen G. Schneider kgs at
Sun Feb 18 21:35:19 EST 1996

>In performing a side by side comparison of a single directory and
>limiting the index to only .html files I found swish returned about 12%
>fewer hits than WAISQ. I first noticed this on a larger scale across our
>whole website, but wanted to control the index to make sure I wasn't
>comparing apples and oranges.
>Has anyone else had similar or differing results when swish is compared
>to wais or glimpse?
>                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>                        John Gladstone /jgladsto at

Wouldn't we also need more information, such as how you had configured the
two search engines?  I'm very new at this stuff,but I'm sitting here
editing config.h right now (for swish) and have noted that there is
considerable flexibiilty in how you set stopwords, length of allowable
words, etc.

Karen G. Schneider * kgs at *
Cybrarian * Columnist, American Libraries, Internet Law Researcher
Author, The Internet Access Cookbook (e-mail Neal-Schuman at

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