Searching your Web pages

Linda Hyman lhyman at
Thu Feb 15 13:13:36 EST 1996

There are many free search programs "out there."  Here is one we are using
that I am sending as an attachment.  You need only modify the locations
that it searches to yours.  You will also need to have these kinds of
privileges available on your server.

Here is one cgi repository which I couldn't get to:   and there are others.

>If there is a facility to search the text of your institution's Web pages I
>would be pleased to know what search engine is used and where the software, or
>further details of it, can be found.

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       <TITLE>This is a title</TITLE>
       <P>Enter what you want to search for:
       <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=40 NAME="words">
       <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="config" VALUE="sdsu">
       <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="limit" VALUE="20">
       <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="subset" VALUE="">
       <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="and" VALUE="true">
       <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Search">

-------------- next part --------------
Linda Woods Hyman-Education First Initiative
Pacific Bell/San Diego State University
Dept. of Educational Technology
San Diego  CA  92182  (619) 594-4414
e-mail:  lhyman at

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