the telecomm bill

Kurt W. Wagner-Reference/Electronic Resources kurt at
Sat Feb 10 06:01:31 EST 1996

I cannot top the erudite essays of Karen and Betsey, but just wish to add 
that this legislation's effects will be felt not only within the 
circumscribed areas that they mentioned. What do I, a white, anglo-saxon, 
heterosexual, protestant, republican have to gripe about? Well, you can 
start with the what the Founding Fathers had to say.

I don't have vague, alarmist fears about the impact this will have on the 
Internet. I just fear that the time will come when I log on and cannot 
find the open discussions (with unfettered descriptive language) on the 
universe of topics the Usenet is famous for. When the regulation is 
complete, the vanillification is achieved, the 'net is 
cruelty/violence/freedom free, it will have lost the very thing it is 
founded upon.

You'll say "the law restricts the child pornographers, not freedom of 
speech" but when the common denominator gets to set the rules for all the 
rest, then this medium is crippled.


Kurt W. Wagner                     kurt at
Reference Librarian/Electronic Resources           (201)595-2285 
William Paterson College of New Jersey

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