Frames--What's the big deal?

P. Michael McCulley mcculley at
Mon Feb 5 23:26:22 EST 1996


	Nice post on FRAMES, TAGs, etc. It's not a world where the 
standards authorities and the development world are in synch. 

	On what a Web browser (client) is: well, that's changing too. The new 
generation of those Internet tools won't resemble the document rendering 
incarnation as first launched. Internet WWW clients are being transformed 
into multimedia and communications devices (chat, plugins, and so on), 
and likely some of that device will be able to interface with OPACs and 
other library systems (CWIS, email, directories).

	Innovation, and challenges, for us all.


P. Michael McCulley // mcculley at
Webmaster, Knight-Ridder Information, Inc. (Mountain View, CA)
Speaking Only For Himself
Shaw's Principle:
	Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will
	want to use it.

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