httpd-log in CERN server: newbie question

Bob Long bob at
Mon Dec 16 18:40:11 EST 1996


You have to remove the old log files first. I 'mv' mine to another directory.
If httpd doesn't find log files, it starts new ones. If it finds them it
just picks up where it left off.
        The easiest way to do this is to 'cron' the whole process so it is
performed on a regular schedule and you don't have to worry about it. I
don't know what flavor of Unix you are using, in either case it isn't real



At 02:57 PM 12/16/96 -0800, you wrote:
>We are running the CERN server on the City's new proxy server. The httpd-log
>is getting very large. Following the directions in Lincoln Stein's book, I
>sent a
>command 'kill -HUP ###' where ### was the httpd-pid. 
>The httpd-errors log says it has successfully restarted, and everything is
>working. But it did not start a new httpd-log as I expected it to: it's
>still adding to the old one. What have I missed?

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