Netscape/printing/ and odd sized

Randy Dykhuis dykhuisr at
Mon Dec 16 11:15:32 EST 1996

After our last discussion, Ellen Macdonald wrote:

> >A patron finds a page with financial information set down in
> >columns.  The page's author suggests setting the page to landscape
> >format in order to print all of the columns.  Although one can see
> >the farthest right column, it does not print, and it will not show
> >up on the print preview page.  By turning off the margins I was
> >able to get one more column of information to print, but I was
> >unable to get the furthest right column.

We have a related but different problem. We are working with a group
to high school librarians that are experiementing with scanned images
for ILL purposes. They are using Netscape mail to send the images
between libraries. Frequently the page images are much larger than the
screen and Netscape Mail will not format the images to fit on a single
page. Consequently, the images are not printable from Mail. Is there a
way of using Netscape Mail and printing the images directly from Mail?

These are the solutions we've come up with & all have reasons for us
to dislike them. Some are impossible:

1. Exporting the images to a file & printing with another program.
2. Viewing in Navigator and printing. Apparently Navigator will only
print using screen resolution which makes for pretty poor copy. 
3. Switching e-mail programs. 
4. Switching browsers.

Most libraries in this group are using Netscape 3.0, some 2x. All
are Windows, although not all are Win95. 

Thanks for any help.

Randy Dykhuis			Phone:	517/694-4242
Executive Director			800/530-9019
Michigan Library Consortium	Fax:	517/694-9303
6810 South Cedar St.		E-mail:	dykhuisr at
Lansing, MI 48911-6909		Web:

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