Location information on library/institution webpages

Charles Blair chas at nirvana.lib.uchicago.edu
Tue Apr 9 14:08:27 EDT 1996

If online library information contains phone numbers, then it is also
useful to provide time zone information as well as the area
code. Phone numbers can then be listed with the full three-digit
prefix (it's easy to forget, in institutions that share prefixes for
many phone numbers and allow dialing shortcuts such as 2-xxxx for
xx2-xxxx, even to provide the full prefix for outside callers), or
else in speed-dial form, with an indication of what the full prefix
is. For example (from our Directory page):

The Library's area code is 312. 

The time zone is USA Central (-6 hours GMT). 

Daylight Savings Time is in effect from the first Sunday in April to
the last Sunday in October (-6 hours GMT).

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