REPOST: Writing for the Web: 10/31 URL Update !!!

Eric Schnell ehschnel at
Tue Oct 31 08:08:05 EST 1995


   It is me again. I switched two directories in my original posting of 
the URL for "Writing for the Web: A Primer for Librarians." Please
make sure all pointers go to this URL.  

The URL is as follows. * Please note the URL is now in lower case *.

   Sorry for all the confusion. As always, feel free to sent me any 
corrections, such as typos, etc. Thanks to all who have already
sent in comments! 

Eric Schnell, MLS
Head, Automation Services
Prior Health Sciences Library
The Ohio State University
Voice: 614-292-4870       FAX: 614-292-5717
E-Mail: schnell.9 at

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