Quark to HTML, MSWord to HTML Converters

Warren Ham W.Ham at mailbox.uq.oz.au
Sat Oct 21 08:21:41 EDT 1995

>Our unit at the Univ. of Calif. is looking for information on Quark to HTML
>and MSWord to HTML converters.  If folks could send me info on converters
>and how well they have worked, I would very much appreciate it.
>Mary Jean Moore
>Library Automation

Sorry - don't have info on Quark to HTML, but MSWord is a different kettle
of fish!  Microsoft themselves have put out a product called Internet
Assistant, which is FREE to anyone who has a (legitimate) copy of MSWord.
It is available from the Microsoft Web Site
(http://www.microsoft.com/pages/deskapps/word/ia/), or their FTP site
(ftp.microsoft.com  in the  directory /deskapps/word/winword-public/ia - the
file is WORDIA.EXE, a self-extracting archive).

The beauty of the product is that it turns WORD into an Internet browser in
its own right - albeit somewhat limited - so you can test your links without
leaving the editor!  You can also add graphics easily.

You get a new option in the SAVE AS menu - you can now save as HTML!  This
means that you can load a standard .doc file (or any other file WORD
recognises), and then save it as HTML - a fairly sophisticated conversion
program.  The file that you convert still needs checking - on my experience,
the Word files I convert are about 80 - 90% right, but need some tidying up
- but the file loads straight away, and looks reasonably good.  The files
also contain <NAME> links at likely points for referencing - these I usually
edit out, as I'm happier putting them in for myself, but it would be helpful
for some.  And it sets up well formatted <HEAD> sections!

If you like Word, you'll be very comfortable with Internet Assistant.  No,
I'm not a paid Microsoft publicist, but this is a good product at the right

Hope this helps.


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Warren L. Ham
Reference Librarian                           phone: +61 7 3365 3247
Undergraduate Library                           fax: +61 7 3365 6888
The University of Queensland          email: w.ham at mailbox.uq.edu.au
St Lucia  Qld  4072  Australia    web: http://www.uq.edu.au/~mlwham/

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