Lynx Browser

tdowling at tdowling at
Wed Oct 4 16:00:50 EDT 1995

 % The World Wide Web Consortium will provide you with all the specs you need.
 % Remember that just because there are specs does not mean that every browser
 % is following them. For example,  more browsers support <CENTER> than the
 % centering tag suggested in the HTML 2.0 specs.

Out of curiosity, which [current versions of] browsers recognize the
<center> tag but not align=center options?  A quick check of the
browsers I have available shows:

    Browser             <CENTER>    align="center"   align="right"
    -------             ------------------------------------------
    Win Mosaic 2.0fb    Yes         Yes              Yes
    Win Netscape 1.22   Yes         Yes              No

    Lynx                No          No               No
    X Mosaic 2.6b3      No          No               No
    Arena 0.97f         No          Yes              Yes

Since Microsoft broke their own rule about Win95 apps running under NT,
I can't test Internet Explorer.

The only surprise I see looking at this is Netscape.  Since they've
supported align="center" for a couple versions now, I can't figure out
why they don't support right alignment also.

Thomas Dowling
Networked Information Librarian, Public Services
University of Washington Libraries
tdowling at

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