I have seen the future of the Web...

Rhyno Art arhyno at server.uwindsor.ca
Fri Nov 17 17:45:29 EST 1995

> I would like to know if others are using Java or plan to use it, and for 
> what purpose. In particulary, I am wondering if anyone is coding a Z39.50 
> client in Java. Thanks,
> Roy Tennant
My understanding is that linking in C code to JAVA results in a
non-portable application, so it may not be easy to use existing Z39.50 APIs
to create a platform-independent client. Still, it would be well worth the
effort to bring Z39.50 into JAVA. The other hot technology that could be
thrown into the mix is Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML). At least
one company has already created a VRML toolkit which can be used with JAVA
and others are probably in the works. The combination of JAVA and VRML in a
Z39.50 client would result in new possibilities for working with information
systems. Neophytos Iacovou at the University of Minnesota has done some
great work in visualizing large collections of titles in 3D navigational
scenes and we have done some preliminary work in creating virtual
bookshelves "on the fly" so that users can browse the shelves remotely.
JAVA has the potential to add behaviours to VRML worlds, allowing moving
objects and new kinds of user interaction with information. Of course, the
bulk of our public access is still via dumb terminals so it may be a while
before we reap the benefits of some of these technologies !

Art Rhyno, Systems Librarian
Leddy Library, University of Windsor
Internet: arhyno at server.uwindsor.ca
Tel: (519) 253-4232, EXT. 3163
FAX: (519) 973-7076
WWW: <http://www.uwindsor.ca/library/leddy/people/art.html>

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