Non-anonymous ftp with Netscape

John Millard millarj at
Wed Nov 8 22:04:46 EST 1995

On Wed, 8 Nov 1995, Tim Tripp wrote:

> need to ftp something from a site which requires a user name and a
> password.
> Sure, I have an ftp application that handles this just fine, but I'm
> wondering if one can do this with Netscape?  I imagine that you should be

You can do it by modifying your ftp URL slightly.  Say you wanted to 
anonymous ftp to ftp.test.ed, your URL would be

To ftp under a specific user instead of anonymous, you'd construct it 
like a mailto, for example for user jsmith the URL would be:

Netscape will popup a dialogue box asking for the password.  

Hope tha works/helps.

: : John Millard                                                : :
:o: Electronic Information Services and Instruction Librarian   :o:
: : Miami University                                            : :
:o: Oxford, OH                                                  :o:
: :-------------------------------------------------------------: :
:o:                         :o:

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