browsers and browsing

Gary Shultz gshultz at
Wed Dec 20 18:27:33 EST 1995


I have been asked to cite magazine articles or other sources on what
percentage of Net surfers use Netscape, NCSA Mosaic, and other browsers.
Also what percentage of surfers are using private companies (such as
America On Line, CompuServe or one of the many local and regional
companies) to access the Net.
Can you point me to any sources???

This is part of an effort to sell a group on the growing importance of the
Internet, the nature of those who use it, and how they access it. Thanks
for your time and any suggestions you might have.


 | Gary Shultz - Office of News and Information |
 | Telephone: 214-768-7665    Fax: 214-768-7663 |
 | Southern Methodist University - Dallas,Texas |
 | "There is more to do than can ever be done." |

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