Java in libraries and homes with light bulbs!

Ronnie Morgan rmorgan at
Wed Dec 13 10:58:34 EST 1995

** Reply to note from John "Adder" Fink <jbfink at> 12/13/95 08:57am -0800

> Yes, but the issue here is Java support -- and I'm not sure whether the  
> 16-bit version of Netscape will work with Java.  I know the current  
> version of 16-bit Netscape 2.0 does *not*. 

Yep, this is correct.  16-bit netscape does NOT support java.  I don't use netscape, but knew that  
a 16-bit version of 2.x existed.  I automatically assumed that it was the same as the 32-bit but  
just ran slower since it was only 16-bit.  


Ronnie Morgan
Team OS/2
Harding University Library        Internet : rmorgan at
Systems Manager                                       
Box 2267, Searcy, AR  72149       Phone : (501) 279-4077 (voice) 

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