[Web4lib] Cites & Insights 8:11 (November 2008) available

Walt Crawford waltcrawford at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 16:57:37 EDT 2008

*Cites & Insights* 8:11, November
is now available for downloading.

The 26-page issue (PDF as always, but with HTML versions available from
links here or at the Cites & Insights home page<http://citesandinsights.info/>)
includes five essays:
Bibs & Blather: Books and Blogs <http://citesandinsights.invo/v8i11a.htm>

Mostly updated versions of Walt at Random
<http://walt.lishost.org/>posts–library blog books going out of print
soon, a progress report on
*The Liblog Landscape 2007-2008* (with more progress since the post) and
notes on Technorati, blogs as a whole and the liblog landscape.

Making it Work: Libraries and the Social

Notes on aspects of social-web applications in libraries beyond blogs and

Perspective: How Common is Common

*An original "research" project*: What happens when you try 300 everyday
sentences against Google–and when you try just the first eight words of each
sentence? The answers may surprise you.

Library Access to Scholarship: OA

Notes on the brouhaha when publishers tried to undo the NIH mandate by
congressional hearing–and other notes on open access opposition and, for
that matter, extreme positions on both sides.

Retrospective: Pointing with Pride, Part

Just a few highlights along the way–considerably shorter than previous

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