[Web4lib] Favorite open source books and/or online resources?

Shaun Ellis sdellis at rci.rutgers.edu
Fri Oct 19 16:35:19 EDT 2007

Here are some I've stumbled upon...

Decoding Liberation - The promise of open source software
By Samir Chopra and Scott D. Dexter

Producing Open Source Software - How to Run a Successful Free Software 
by Karl Fogel

Code 2.0
by Lawrence Lessig
Talks about limits of open code in a broader perspective of law and 
Internet regulation.

Open Source Democracy
by Douglass Rushkoff
How the open source software concepts apply to, and will influence, 
politics and democracy.

Good luck,

Karin Dalziel wrote:

>I'm a library student doing a reference assignment on building a part of a
>collection. The subject I have chosen is open source software- in specific,
>I'm looking for books and online resources that would be useful for
>undergraduate computer science students. I'm looking at books both on using
>open source as a business model and general books on how open source
>projects work. I'm less interested in technical books detailing "how to
>complete project x with open source tools y."
>So, anyone have any recommendations?
>I am collecting books I find in a worldcat list here:
>         http://worldcat.org/profiles/karindalziel/lists/25571
>And I'm collecting online resources bookmarks here:
>         http://del.icio.us/karindalziel/refopensourceassn
>I have to admit this was slightly selfish on my part, as I want to read up
>on the topic too. :)
>Thanks for your help,
>Karin Dalziel
>Help me win $10,000 - vote! http://tinyurl.com/2pauvv
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Shaun Ellis
Web Applications Programmer
Rutgers University Libraries
sdellis at rci.rutgers.edu

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