[WEB4LIB] RE: Decline in Web4Lib message volume

Sloan, Bernie bernies at uillinois.edu
Wed Jan 26 17:05:36 EST 2005

Walter Giesbrecht asked:

"I'd be interested to know how the number of subscribers has changed
over the years; in parallel with the number of messages, perhaps? How
has the # posts/subscriber changed?"

I believe the number of subscribers has increased slowly but steadily
over the years. Roy Tennant told me that the list currently has 3,465
subscribers, which means that 2004 (or maybe 2003) might have been the
first year in which the number of subscribers exceeded the number of
messages, for whatever that's worth.

-----Original Message-----
From: web4lib at webjunction.org
[mailto:web4lib at webjunction.org] On Behalf Of Walter Giesbrecht
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 3:48 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [WEB4LIB] RE: Decline in Web4Lib message volume

Scritchfield, Larry wrote:
> Of course, volume of messages does not equate to quality of signal...
> Here are some theories
> Moderator enforcment on-topic posts?
> An abatement of "me too" posts?
> Proliferation of specialized lists (thus *increasing* the total amount
> of email to be plowed through)?


- proliferation of Web-based forums?

- active retreat from online discussion (in a fruitless attempt 
to reduce the amount of email one receives)?

- more knowledgeable participants, not asking as many questions?

- over-active spam filters?

I'd be interested to know how the number of subscribers has 
changed over the years; in parallel with the number of messages, 
perhaps? How has the # posts/subscriber changed?


Walter Giesbrecht                               walterg at yorku.ca
Data Librarian                                203E Scott Library
York University, Toronto, CANADA          416.736-2100 ext.77551

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